ADMINISTRATION of the Affairs of Great Britain, Ireland, and their dependencies, at the commencement of the year 1823. Stated and explained inder the heads of finance, national resources, foreign relations, colonies, trade, and domestic administration.
ADMINISTRATION of the Affairs of Great Britain, Ireland, and their dependencies, at the commencement of the year 1823. Stated and explained inder the heads of finance, national resources, foreign relations, colonies, trade, and domestic administration.
London, John Hatchard and Son, 1823, 22 x 13,5 cm., cartoné editorial, 207 págs. + (Books published by J. Hatchard and Son:) 2 hojas. (Esta obra fue publicada sin el nombre de su autor , J. Singleton Copley. Trata del comercio, las manufacturas y el comercio exterior británicos en 1823 y contiene una sección separada sobre la administración colonial relacionada con Canadá, las Indias Occidentales y otras colonias).