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A Six Weeks Tour, through the Southern Counties of England and Wales. Describing particularly, I. The present State of Agriculture and Manufactures. II. The different Methods of cultivating the Soil. III. The Success attending some late Experiments on various Grasses, &c. IV. The various Prices of Labour and Provisions. V. The State of the Working Poor in those Counties, wherein the Riots were most remarkable. With Descriptions and Models of such invented Implements of Husbandry as deserve to be generally known: interspersed with Accounts of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, and other Objects worthy of Notice. In several Letters to a Friend. By the Author of the Farmer's Letters.
A Six Weeks Tour, through the Southern Counties of England and Wales. Describing particularly, I. The present State of Agriculture and Manufactures. II. The different Methods of cultivating the Soil. III. The Success attending some late Experiments on various Grasses, &c. IV. The various Prices of Labour and Provisions. V. The State of the Working Poor in those Counties, wherein the Riots were most remarkable. With Descriptions and Models of such invented Implements of Husbandry as deserve to be generally known: interspersed with Accounts of the Seats of the Nobility and Gentry, and other Objects worthy of Notice. In several Letters to a Friend. By the Author of the Farmer's Letters.
London, W. Nicoll, 1768, 23 x 14 cm., cartoné de época, 2 hojas + 284 págs. con varias figuras intercaladas en el texto. (Primera edición de esta obra de Young del primero de varios viajes que realizó por Inglaterra, Francia y Holanda para observar la agricultura y las condiciones sociales rurales. Young aplicó métodos estadísticos al estudio de la agricultura, investigando tanto las estadísticas de producción como los costos de esta industria en particular).
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