Dictionary of the spanish and english languages wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings
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Dictionary of the spanish and english languages wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the arts, sciences, manufactures, merchandise, navigation, and trade, elucidated. Fourth edición. London, Harding, Mayor, and Lepard…, 1823, 2 tomos, 22 x 14 cm., piel de época rozada y con algunos desgarros en lomo, portada + VI pgs. + 358 hojas a dos columnas sin paginar = 301 hojas a dos columnas sin paginar.(Ejemplar falto de la portada del tomo II).
Dictionary of the spanish and english languages wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the arts, sciences, manufactures, merchandise, navigation, and trade, elucidated. Fourth edición. London, Harding, Mayor, and Lepard…, 1823, 2 tomos, 22 x 14 cm., piel de época rozada y con algunos desgarros en lomo, portada + VI pgs. + 358 hojas a dos columnas sin paginar = 301 hojas a dos columnas sin paginar.(Ejemplar falto de la portada del tomo II).
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Dictionary of the spanish and english languages wherein the words are correctly explained, agreeably to their different meanings, and a great variety of terms, relating to the arts, sciences, manufactures, merchandise, navigation, and trade, elucidated. Fourth edición. London, Harding, Mayor, and Lepard…, 1823, 2 tomos, 22 x 14 cm., piel de época rozada y con algunos desgarros en lomo, portada + VI pgs. + 358 hojas a dos columnas sin paginar = 301 hojas a dos columnas sin paginar.(Ejemplar falto de la portada del tomo II).